What is a Dental Emergency?
Knowing the reasons to see an emergency dentist is vital, as allowing dental issues to spread may cause more prominent issues in the long run. Don’t wait. Our team of experts have listed some common reasons people need emergency dental care.
Accidents happen, and it can be scary when you have hurt your teeth or gums.
If you experience an accident of any kind and require emergency dental treatment around the Brisbane area, contact our compassionate team to book a same-day appointment. We have all of the necessary equipment needed for temporary veneers to cover chips and breaks, as well as years of experience treating gum trauma.
- Lost/Broken Tooth Filling or Dental Crown : A lost or broken filling can be detrimental to your prolonged oral health if not treated properly. Losing a filling allows bacteria to develop between the tooth and the filling, which means there’s a greater chance of the bacteria spreading and damaging your oral health. Protect your natural tooth by taking the appropriate steps to treat a broken filling by contacting our dentist. We’ll examine your tooth carefully and find an appropriate solution for the problem to restore your tooth’s natural functionality.
- Tooth Fractured/Cracked : A fall or physical injury could lead to a fractured, cracked, or even missing tooth. These situations can be a cause for emergency dental services depending on the severity. A cracked or fractured tooth can cause extreme sensitivity or a severe toothache if the nerve gets affected. If you find that your tooth is cracked, call our team, and we’ll deal with the situation to ensure it’s properly tended to. If the crack is minor, then we’ll be able to repair it with just a filling, however, if the nerves have been impacted, then we’ll proceed with the appropriate tooth removal treatment.
- Facial Swelling: Various factors can cause swelling around the mouth and it is important to book a local emergency dentist appointment. There might be a simple reason for the swelling, but it could also be a sign of something major that needs urgent attention. A blocked salivary gland, the impact of medication side effects, poor nutrition (for example, low vitamin C levels), gingivitis and gum disease, and some oral cancers can cause swelling.
- Abscess: Infection by bacteria causes an abscess in the tooth. In addition to being extremely painful, abscesses cannot heal on their own, so treatment should be sought immediately. A bacterial infection from an abscess can spread to the blood or other parts of the body if left untreated.
- Emergency Dentist Wisdom Tooth Removal: Unless you are experiencing pain or discomfort from the wisdom teeth growing into your mouth, wisdom teeth extraction does not constitute an emergency dental situation. This is not the case when you have impacted wisdom teeth which means that they have failed to erupt fully. The result can be symptoms such as pain and discomfort, as well as an increased risk of gum or tooth infections. You need emergency dentist wisdom tooth removal if your wisdom teeth are impacted.
- Crown Came Off: Your broken section of the crown must be replaced or you must get a new one. You should follow any other special instructions from your dentist until your appointment.
- Pain After Extraction (Dry Socket): In most cases, a blood clot forms immediately after a tooth extraction, effectively sealing the wound and allowing it to begin healing. The delicate nerve is exposed to the elements when this clot is dislodged too early, causing a dry socket, which can be extremely painful. A trip back to the dentist is necessary if this happens.
- Broken Dentures: Dentures that break can have a tremendous impact on your life, which is why they are regarded as dental emergencies. Infections often result from gum and mouth irritations caused by dentures. This can make it difficult to eat, chew, and speak properly.
- Root Canal Treatment: We are commonly asked “do emergency dentists do root canal treatment?” If the pain is unbearable, this does qualify as a dental emergency. At the least, we can treat the tooth and eliminate the pain until your scheduled appointment.
- Lip and Gum Injuries: A mouth injury, especially in children, can affect teeth, jaws, lips, tongue, inner cheeks, gums, palate (hard or soft), throat, or tonsils. These injuries often look worse than they are. The head and neck area contains many blood vessels, so even a small cut or puncture may bleed profusely. Minor mouth injuries can be treated at home by stopping bleeding, reducing pain, promoting healing, and preventing infection. If there is an issue involving the teeth and gums, you should see a broken tooth emergency dentist. For lip and mouth trauma that is major or won’t stop bleeding, you should call Triple 0 or present to the emergency award at your closest hospital.
- Nerve Pain (Neuropathic Pain) Treatment: In the case of severe tooth pain, it’s important to book an emergency dental appointment right away. Teeth are connected to the nerves, and therefore, any damage to a nerve can lead to an excruciating toothache. Therefore, to relieve this pain, Avoiding treatment can result in a damaged tooth that will eventually need to be extracted if not confronted properly.
- Tooth Infection: When dealing with a tooth infection, you may find that your face begins to swell. If this occurs, you will require immediate medical attention as increased swelling can lead to a list of other, more detrimental consequences for both your overall health and oral care. Swelling may also develop due to wisdom teeth issues or a range of other dental health issues. Whatever the case, if your face is starting to swell due to dental concerns, contact our emergency dentists today for immediate action.
If you’re suffering from one of these issues or unsure whether your situation requires dental care, contact our team today. Looking for reliable dental clinics in Brisbane? #Dentist offers top-notch emergency dental care in brisbane call (07) 3179 6083 for book an appointment.